Colors in Icelandic
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'Appelsínugulur' is an Icelandic term that directly translates to 'orange-yellow' in English. The word 'appelsínugulur' is derived from 'appelsína,' meaning 'orange' (the fruit), indicating the bright yellowish-orange hue often seen in ripe oranges. It's intriguing how languages around the world often link the color of objects to familiar items, in this case, the fruit, to describe specific shades.
'Fjólublár' is another captivating Icelandic color term which translates to 'violet-blue' or 'purple' in English. The term 'fjólublár' combines 'fjóla,' meaning 'violet,' and 'blár,' meaning 'blue.' This melding of terms paints a vivid image of the color, situating it precisely between the deep blues and the lighter purples, reminiscent of a twilight sky.
Both 'appelsínugulur' and 'fjólublár' showcase the poetic nature of the Icelandic language, where compound words beautifully capture the essence of the colors they describe.
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Colors in Icelandic: Word list (Letter)
Colors in Icelandic: Worksheet with pictures (A4)
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