Ekvis Map Quizzes Tips & Tricks
Discover a collection of useful tips and tricks to help you get the most out of the Ekvis map quizzes! Whether you’re aiming to improve your geography knowledge, challenge yourself with harder modes, or simply enjoy the experience, these suggestions will guide you in making the most of every quiz. From mastering game mechanics to exploring different modes, there’s something here for everyone looking to level up their skills.
Full Screen Mode
Click the rectangle in the lower right corner of the map to enter or exit full screen mode. You can also press alt+F.

Toggle Labels
Visible labels can be helpful for learning but can also make the screen feel cluttered or make it hard to click objects below them. With Ekvis, you have the option to show or hide labels anytime during gameplay. Simply click the button next to the full-screen icon to toggle them.

Customizing The Interface
You can move the statistics bar and the flag at the top of the map around by dragging the dotted handles. Hide or show the flag by clicking the arrow next to the dotted handle.

Search Function
Don’t forget to take advantage of the search function! It’s a quick and efficient way to locate the quiz you’re looking for. Simply use the search bar located in the header to find your desired quiz in no time.

Switching Language
The map quizzes are available in many different languages. Use the language drop down to switch language.

This quiz is available in both English and Spanish, which you can identify by the bolded language names. Selecting Spanish will take you to the same quiz in Spanish, while choosing any other language will redirect you to a list of map quizzes available in that language.
Keyboard Shortcuts
Alt+R: Restart the game
Alt+F: Full screen mode
Dark Mode
Turn on Dark mode by checking the checkbox in the site footer.

Steering in Fly mode
In fly mode, use either the arrow keys for steering, or the WASD keys. The space key gives the plane an extra speed boost.
Linking Directly to Game Modes
You can link directly to game mode by adding a querystring parameter after the link.
Show All: https://ekvis.com/en/g-eur01?gamemode=showall
Pin (very easy): https://ekvis.com/en/g-eur01?gamemode=pinveryeasy
Pin (easy): https://ekvis.com/en/g-eur01?gamemode=pineasy
Pin: https://ekvis.com/en/g-eur01?gamemode=pin
Pin (hard): https://ekvis.com/en/g-eur01?gamemode=pinhard
Pin (no borders): https://ekvis.com/en/g-eur01?gamemode=pinnoborders
Type random: https://ekvis.com/en/g-eur01?gamemode=typerandom
Fly: https://ekvis.com/en/g-eur01?gamemode=fly
Fly (hard): https://ekvis.com/en/g-eur01?gamemode=flyhard
If you are a speedrunner and want to get the fastest time possible, add ?fastclick=1 after the link. Example: https://ekvis.com/en/g-eur01?fastclick=1 . This causes the clicks to register on mouse down instead of mouse up.
Hoverclick is a challenging and unconventional game mode where your mouse automatically clicks as you move it. You can enable this mode by adding a parameter: https://ekvis.com/en/g-eur01?hoverclick=1