Animals in Portuguese
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Embracing a new language unveils more than just words; it’s a doorway to understanding cultures, traditions, and, most enchantingly, the diverse world of animals as they're seen through different linguistic lenses. When it comes to Portuguese, the names of animals are a melodious journey that paints a vivid picture of the wildlife that is cherished in Portuguese-speaking countries.
Take, for instance, 'abelha.' This word, with its soft lilt, represents the busy bee, an insect known for its tireless work and golden honey. On the more colorful side, we have the 'borboleta,' a beautiful word that translates to butterfly, epitomizing grace and transformation.
The common domesticated friends we cherish have their own Portuguese monikers. The loyal dog is known as 'cão,' while the often aloof but beloved cat takes on the name 'gato.' If you venture into a farm in Portugal or Brazil, you might hear the clucking of a 'galinha' (chicken) or come across the ever-curious 'porco' (pig). And of course, no farm would be complete without the 'vaca,' the gentle cow that provides milk for countless households.
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Animals in Portuguese: Word list (A4)
Animals in Portuguese: Word list (Letter)
Animals in Portuguese: Worksheet with pictures (A4)
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