Vegetables in German
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Beginners, immerse yourselves in the captivating world of German vegetable names with our dedicated game. Unravel the linguistic layers as you discover that 'Karotte' represents carrot, 'Tomate' translates to tomato, and 'Kartoffel' means potato in German. Crafted with novices in mind, this game provides free access, crisp audio pronunciations, and diverse game modes to facilitate an enriching and comprehensive learning experience. Launch your German language voyage with a verdant touch today.
📖 Word List
🖨️ Download Free Printables (pdf)
Vegetables in German: Flashcards (A4)
Vegetables in German: Classroom Poster (A4)
Vegetables in German: Word list (A4)
Vegetables in German: Word list (Letter)
Vegetables in German: Worksheet with pictures (A4)
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