Days of the Week in Estonian
Start by clicking on the images to listen to and learn new words. Once you're ready, click 'Start' to enter test mode and assess your knowledge.
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Learn the days of the week in Estonian with this interactive and engaging game! Practice vocabulary like esmaspäev (Monday), kolmapäev (Wednesday), and pühapäev (Sunday) while improving your pronunciation with voice support. Choose from multiple game modes, including memory, multiple choice, typing challenges, and crosswords, to make learning fun and effective. Perfect for beginners and language enthusiasts looking to expand their Estonian skills in a practical and enjoyable way! Start mastering the days of the week today!
📖 Word List
🖨️ Download Free Printables (pdf)
Days of the Week in Estonian: Flashcards (A4)
Days of the Week in Estonian: Classroom Poster (A4)
Days of the Week in Estonian: Word list (A4)
Days of the Week in Estonian: Word list (Letter)
Days of the Week in Estonian: Worksheet with pictures (A4)
> More games for learning Estonian