Numbers 1-10 in Hindi
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Learning numbers 1-10 in Hindi is a 🎉fun adventure! Start with 'ek' for 1, like a solo 🎤 singer on stage. 'Do' for 2, like ✌️peace signs. 'Teen' for 3, imagine three 🐒 monkeys. 'Char' for 4, think of four-leaf 🍀 clovers. 'Paanch' for 5, high-five 🖐️! 'Chhe' for 6, like a sneaky 🕵️ thief. 'Saat' for 7, lucky as a 🎰 jackpot. 'Aath' for 8, like two snowmen ⛄⛄. 'Nau' for 9, sailing ⛵ towards a new adventure. 'Dus' for 10, a perfect 🔟 score! Learning Hindi numbers is a quirky, delightful journey!
📖 Word List
🖨️ Download Free Printables (pdf)
Numbers 1-10 in Hindi: Flashcards (A4)
Numbers 1-10 in Hindi: Classroom Poster (A4)
Numbers 1-10 in Hindi: Word list (A4)
Numbers 1-10 in Hindi: Word list (Letter)
Numbers 1-10 in Hindi: Worksheet with pictures (A4)
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