Numbers 1-10 in Icelandic
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The word 'átta' in Icelandic means 'eight.' It has roots in the Old Norse 'átta,' which is in turn derived from the Proto-Germanic '*ahtōu.' This Proto-Germanic term can be traced further back to the Proto-Indo-European '*oḱtṓw.' The influence of this root is widespread across Indo-European languages, giving rise to words such as 'eight' in English, 'acht' in German, and 'ocho' in Spanish.
'Þrír' is the term for 'three' in Icelandic. It originates from Old Norse 'þrír,' which is derived from the Proto-Germanic '*þrīz.' Going even further back, it comes from the Proto-Indo-European '*tréyes.' This ancient root has relatives in many Indo-European languages, such as 'three' in English, 'drei' in German, and 'tres' in Spanish.
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Numbers 1-10 in Icelandic: Flashcards (A4)
Numbers 1-10 in Icelandic: Classroom Poster (A4)
Numbers 1-10 in Icelandic: Word list (A4)
Numbers 1-10 in Icelandic: Word list (Letter)
Numbers 1-10 in Icelandic: Worksheet with pictures (A4)
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