Colors in Hebrew
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Discovering colors in Hebrew is like painting a vibrant 🎨 masterpiece! 'Katom' for red, as bold as a 🚗 racing car. 'Yarok' for green, like lush 🌳 meadows. 'Kachol' for blue, as deep as the 🌊 ocean. 'Adom' for pink, as sweet as cotton 🍬 candy. 'Tzahov' for yellow, bright as the ☀️ sun. 'Sagol' for purple, like royal 👑 robes. 'Chum' for brown, reminiscent of rich ☕ coffee. 'Lavan' for white, as pure as freshly fallen ❄️ snow. 'Shachor' for black, like the night 🌌 sky. Learning Hebrew colors adds a splash of excitement to your palette! 🎨🌈
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🖨️ Download Free Printables (pdf)
Colors in Hebrew: Flashcards (A4)
Colors in Hebrew: Classroom Poster (A4)
Colors in Hebrew: Word list (A4)
Colors in Hebrew: Word list (Letter)
Colors in Hebrew: Worksheet with pictures (A4)
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