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Map Quiz – Uruguay: Departments

Questions: Artigas, Canelones, Cerro Largo, Colonia, Durazno, Flores, Florida, Lavalleja, Maldonado, Montevideo, Paysandú, Río Negro, Rivera, Rocha, Salto, San José, Soriano, Tacuarembó, Treinta y Tres.

Uruguay is divided into 19 departments, each with its own local government. In the north, Artigas borders Brazil, while Montevideo, in the south, is the capital and home to more than a third of the country’s population. Uruguay has around 3.5 million inhabitants. Tacuarembó is one of the largest departments, known for its rural landscapes, while Flores is the smallest. Interesting names include Durazno, meaning 'peach' in Spanish.


The department of Treinta y Tres (33) in Uruguay is named after the 33 Orientales, a group of revolutionaries who played a key role in Uruguay's independence. In 1825, these 33 patriots launched a historic campaign to liberate Uruguay from Brazilian control. The name 'Treinta y Tres' honors their bravery and is a symbol of national pride, reflecting the department’s historical importance in the country’s struggle for independence.

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