Colors in Italian
Start by clicking on the images to listen to and learn new words. Once you're ready, click 'Start' to enter test mode and assess your knowledge.
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Dive into the vibrant world of colors in Italian with our straightforward game, also available in German, Ukrainian and Spanish! Explore study modes, complemented by clear audio, to master shades like 'rosso' (red), 'blu' (blue), and 'verde' (green). Whether you're a beginner or just refreshing your knowledge, this game offers a simple yet effective way to learn and practice Italian colors. Enjoy and color your world 'all'italiana'!
📖 Word List
🖨️ Download Free Printables (pdf)
Colors in Italian: Flashcards (A4)
Colors in Italian: Classroom Poster (A4)
Colors in Italian: Word list (A4)
Colors in Italian: Word list (Letter)
Colors in Italian: Worksheet with pictures (A4)
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