Animals in Korean 2
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Explore an exciting and free web game to learn Korean animal names! As you immerse yourself, it's like virtually touring a zoo. Choose between studying or playing, with 'type in' or 'multiple choice' options. Listen to correct pronunciations with audio clips, and view charming illustrations of animals like 고래 (whale), 염소 (goat), 오리 (duck), and 캥거루 (kangaroo). Ideal for classroom use or self-study. Expand your vocabulary with animals like 터키 (turkey), 바닷가재 (lobster) and more! Start today and become a master of Korean animal names while enjoying a digital zoo experience!
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🖨️ Download Free Printables (pdf)
Animals in Korean 2: Flashcards (A4)
Animals in Korean 2: Classroom Poster (A4)
Animals in Korean 2: Word list (A4)
Animals in Korean 2: Word list (Letter)
Animals in Korean 2: Worksheet with pictures (A4)
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