Days of the Week in Russian
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.- Понедельник (Ponedel'nik) - Monday
The name is derived from the word 'понедель', which means 'after Sunday' or 'following Sunday'. So, it's essentially 'the day after Sunday'.
- Вторник (Vtornik) - Tuesday
The name originates from the word 'второй', which means 'second'. So, it refers to the 'second day' after Sunday.
- Среда (Sreda) - Wednesday
This word means 'middle', indicating the middle of the working week.
- Четверг (Chetverg) - Thursday
The name comes from the word 'четвертый', meaning 'fourth'. It represents the fourth day starting from Sunday.
- Пятница (Pyatnitsa) - Friday
The name is derived from the word 'пятый', which means 'fifth'. So, it represents the fifth day from Sunday.
- Суббота (Subbota) - Saturday
This one is similar to 'Sabbath' and has a connection to the Jewish Shabbat.
- Воскресенье (Voskresen'ye) - Sunday
The name literally means 'resurrection'. It's closely tied to the Christian tradition, signifying the day of Jesus Christ's resurrection.
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Days of the Week in Russian: Flashcards (A4)
Days of the Week in Russian: Classroom Poster (A4)
Days of the Week in Russian: Word list (A4)
Days of the Week in Russian: Word list (Letter)
Days of the Week in Russian: Worksheet with pictures (A4)
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